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Q: How the lead character tried to solve the problem?
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It means when in a book, and a character faces a problem the problem is lead by technology.

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Why is proper diagnosis of the problem important?

Proper diagnosis will lead you to think in the right track towards a suitable answer that will effectively lead to solving the problem. without proper diagnosis, you might end up think in a direction that will never solve the problem. you might even try many solutions where none will solve the problem.

Why is proper diagnosis of problem important?

Proper diagnosis will lead you to think in the right track towards a suitable answer that will effectively lead to solving the problem. without proper diagnosis, you might end up think in a direction that will never solve the problem. you might even try many solutions where none will solve the problem.

Can you explain why it is important to remember that you can't solve a problem with the same mindset that created it?

It is important to remember that you can't solve a problem with the same mindset that created it because the same thinking that led to the problem will likely not lead to a solution. To find a solution, you need to approach the problem from a different perspective and consider new ideas and approaches.

Can smoking lead to skin cancer?

Most people say that it does but, i really do think it is bad for you and you shouldn't do it because i tried it and it just ruins your life so don't smoke just get candy and suck on it like that and then maybe it will solve your problem so yea most people say that it does lead to cancer so just don't smoke but cancer wont be good its worse than you think when you smoke and because you cant solve your problem by smoking so just don't smoke because it might lead to cancer so i will say it probably can lead you to cancer so all im gonna mainly say to you is just don't smoke at all

Who is the foil character in the city of ember?

The foil character in "City of Ember" is Lina Mayfleet. She contrasts with the main character, Doon Harrow, as she is more optimistic and impulsive, while Doon is practical and methodical. Their differences often lead to conflict but ultimately help them work together to solve problems.

What is algorithmic fault in a program?

An algorithmic fault in a program refers to an error or mistake in the logic or approach used to solve a problem. It can lead to incorrect results or unexpected behavior in the program, even if the code is syntactically correct. Fixing algorithmic faults typically involves revisiting the design or approach used to solve a problem in the program.

When was the movie aviator made?

1985 with Christopher Reeve as the lead character 2004 with Leonardo DiCaprio as the lead character

What can focusing on problem symptoms lead to?

Focusing on a problem's symptoms can lead to analyzing the situation.

How could technology be best used to solve this problem?

Find a way to incinerate waste without allowing lead to escape. < = Apex!

What is the drama definition of protagonist?

The Protagonist is the main Character. It originally meant the lead actor, but since the lead actor usually plays the main character, it has come to mean the character instead.