There's a laser right in front of you - though you can't see it - in your computer's CD or DVD drive! When writing it etches tiny pits in the surface of the disc. When reading the disc it forms a photo-electric couple in which its beam is broken by the pits (each pit is a 1 or 0 - I don't know which).
They have numerous otherapplications such as:
Fine-cutting shapes from sheet-metal and other materials.
As the light source in fibre-optical electronics including the under-sea cables linking our respective telephone networks & hence our computers.
Certain surgical operations including on the eye.
Surveying equipment.
Bar-code scanners.
Lasers are used in medicine, for eye treatment and also for hair removal.
how are emeralds use in everyday life
Unless your "everyday life" involves work in some area of engineering, you won't use matrices in your everyday life.
Geometry is used in my everyday life because I see it everyday. Everything I see is practically geometry. There are posters on my classroom wall, there are desks and chairs, tables, and a big nice white board. I guess this is really how I used geometry in my everyday life.
You eat it......
Lasers are used in medicine, for eye treatment and also for hair removal.
Plutonium is not used in everyday life.
Ldrs are used in everyday life as solar panels.
The most common applictions are LEDs and lasers, the latter being the foundation of optical communications.
how are emeralds use in everyday life
Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.
Argon is commonly found in fluorescent lighting, where it is used as a filler gas. It is also used in welding processes to shield the weld area from the surrounding air. Additionally, argon is sometimes used in insulation materials and as a component in some medical lasers.
Unless your "everyday life" involves work in some area of engineering, you won't use matrices in your everyday life.
Francium has an extremely short half life of about 20 minutes so no it is not. Radioactive lasers do not use radioactive materials anyway.
A story from everyday life used to express spiritual ideas is a parable.
Some ways granite is used in everyday life is in table tops, floors, and kitchen surfaces.