If you were born in 1986 you are 28 years, 2 months, and 2 days old. That would make you 10,307 days old.
Most people don't make it to the age of 30000 days, which is a little more than 82 years. 1000000 days is almost 2738 years.
4017.75 days old
365 is how many days there are in a year. So if someone is 365 days old, they are one year old.
1518,6240 days old!
It hasn't changed unless you mean continental drift, which applies to all continents. It looks different in old maps because it wad much more difficult to make accurate maps in those days
It hasn't changed unless you mean continental drift, which applies to all continents. It looks different in old maps because it wad much more difficult to make accurate maps in those days
Makes Maps
Parchment paper, usually hand pressed
Well you cant play old cs maps on new css but people make them im sure for the css try fpsbanana.com they have big selection of custom maps you can download for free and play them.
Architects do not make maps, it is Cartographers that make maps.
If you were born in 1986 you are 28 years, 2 months, and 2 days old. That would make you 10,307 days old.
Geographers who make or design maps are called cartographers.
measurements taken by a blank are used to make maps
They make Maps
My friends and I reminisced about the old glory days.