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Q: How to-make a-rectangle with more than 2 tans?
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How do you get tan in less than two weeks without going to a tannin bed?

Spray tans[:

Why do more females have skin cancer then males?

Well, more females tend to try to get tans so they go in the sun without sunscreen, and tanning beds, etc. Their skin also tends to be more sensitives than that of males as well.

What materials are best tomake a bathroom sinks ?

A stainless steel sink is trendier and typically more durable than the standard porcelain finish(Granite or silestone may cost you more money and look better, depending on your taste, but need to have a sink mounted to them separately)-of course, both the types do not gather stains..

Is a tanning bed better the sun?

A tanning bed is faster than the sun, but it isn't safer. If you want a nice, safe tan, do intervals of short tans outside.

Is a tanning bed safer to use than artificial chemical tanning?

A tanning bed is not safer than chemical tans, as there is no risk of skin cancer or premature aging from the chemicals as there is from tanning beds and UV rays.

Does Jessica Simpson get a darker tan than her sister Ashlee Simpson if so does Jessica wear fake tan?

in fact they both were fake tans and Jessica get hers darker

What cause freckles?

Genetics usually or just being out in the heat and the sun hits you and brings out peoples freckles

Why does your stomach tan darker then the rest of your body?

When your stomach tans darker than the rest of your body, it could be due to higher levels of melanin production in that area or increased sun exposure on that specific part of your body. Skin on different parts of the body can react differently to sunlight, leading to variations in tan color.

Are spary tans safe?

yes it is ...........first of all if you are thinking if going to a salan tanning dont thay are sooo unhelthy......and regular taning is not that helthy eather the only down side to spray tanning is you might not get the right color you want for the most part yes spray tanning is not bad for you

Why are people addicted to tanning beds?

People are addicted to tanning beds because sometimes they can be cheap, and they give you a good tan, but if you go too many times, you could get burnt, and maybe even die. People also think that tans make them look better or it gives others the impression that they have been on holiday; implying that they are more well off than they really are.

What 12 words can you make out out Thanksgiving?

1. Ski 2. Skiing 3. Tank 4. Hank 5. Tanks 6. Than 7. King 8. Sing 9. Tan 10. Tans 11. Gain 12. Gains

Is it correct to say you have more money than I or you have more money than me?

You have more money than I have --- therefore, it is "You have more than I."