In today's notation of Roman numerals 89 = LXXXIX
.89 x 10-6
49.30179172 is the standard deviation and 52 is the mean.
In todays notation of Roman numerals: V-XXIX-LXXXIX But the ancient Romans would have notated them quite differently.
Standard form = 8.9 × 10-3 Standard notation = 0.0089
9.6 billion divided by 89 million = 107.9 (rounded).
In today's notation of Roman numerals 89 = LXXXIX
225 = 32*52
89,000 in engineering notation is 89 x 10^3
In today's notation it is: LXXXIX
It is: 8.9*10^1
356/10000 or 89/5000
89 Billion years old
89,000,000 = 8.9 × 107
9,999,...,985,000,000,000 There are 89 nines at the start of the number.