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Q: How to add mantissa and exponnect?
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When was Mantissa College created?

Mantissa College was created in 1999.

When was Mantissa - band - created?

Mantissa - band - was created in 1989.

What is the effect of increasing the number of bytes allocated to the mantissa?

The mantissa holds the bits which represent the number, increasing the number of bytes for the mantissa increases the number of bits for the mantissa and so increases the size of the number which can be accurately held, ie it increases the accuracy of the stored number.

Where is a mantissa in a scientific notation?

The mantissa is located before the multiplication symbol and the power of 10 in scientific notation.

What is the rule in multiplying notation in scientific notation?

To multiply two numbers:Multiply the mantissae (the bits that go before the 10).If this number is between less than 10 then it is the mantissa of the product. If not, divide it by ten and that is the mantissa of the product.Add the powers. If the product of the mantissae was less than 10, this is the power for the answer. If not, add one to the sum of powers. This, then is the power for the answer.Combine the mantissa and power.For example:3.5*103 x 4.3*10-53.5*4.3 = 15.05. Since this is not less than 10, divide it by 10 so that the mantissa of the answer is 1.505. Also, remember to add one to the power.Sum of powers (exponents) = 3 + -5 + 1 (from the mantissa multiplication) = -1So the final answer is 1.505*10-1

What is mantissa?

part of a common logarithm

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What is a number that a scientific notation must have?

It must have a mantissa.

What is the mantissa of 93000000.0?

In scientific notation it is: 9.3*10^7

What is the name for the parts of mathematical logarithms after the decimal points?

It is the mantissa.