How much slope and how long of a run? For short distance, up to 12 feet, and 12 inches of drop, you cut a 2x12 at the right slope and use them for the floor joist. For longer runs or greater slope, Use 2x6 level and use 2x4 legs under them.
of course it can because the builderes build it and it depends on how high the celing is from the floor.
If it is a solid cube, then it 125 meters squared. If it just the floor, its 25.
it means mezzanine floor, a floor which is between the ground floor and the first floor.
The predicate in this sentence is across the floor. :)
floor is different...
Floor is sloped toward floor drain for draining. Floor cleanout is level with floor and is used to clean out drain line.
you have to add it
You can build a platform to raise the toilet enough to connect to it or get a wall mount toilet and frame a wall to hang it from.
Build a platform to raise it 12 inches above the floor. Build a wall and use a wall hung one. Break out the floor and plumb a new drain. Those are the options. You can get a sewage pump to pump it out, but you would still need to bust out a section of the floor to make a hole for it. Like an over sized sump hole.
I'm not sure what you are asking. Water connected by any means will always seek it's own level. In a sump pump, either the floor is sloped towards the drain or if it has a perimeter drain, pipe under the floor, it will be sloped towards the drain and gravity takes it there.
The Continental Shelf ; see related link below .
You can't build above the 5th floor.
I think it is the 9th floor, the middle platform on the map!
You would have to build a platform for the tub to sit on. About 3 inches if you are using a floor drain. There is a trap right after the floor drain so you would not need one at the tub. If possible you could position the tub directly over the floor drain but that would eliminate the floor drain which would be a problem if the basement every flooded.
There is a platform committee that writes the platform and presents it to the assembly for approval. I do not know whether changes can be made from the floor.
to build first floor another 4 bedroom and 1 bathroom
neritic zone