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Q: How to calculate the force from a larger to a smaller area?
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How pressure depends on force and area?

Pressure = force/area This means that the larger the force, the larger the pressure. But the smaller the area, the larger the pressure.

Why does smaller area generate increased pressure even with the same sized force?

When you apply a force over a smaller area, the force is distributed over a smaller surface, leading to higher pressure. This is because pressure is defined as the force applied per unit area. Therefore, the same force distributed over a smaller area will result in higher pressure.

How much force will the force will the larger piston experience compared to the small piston?

The force on the larger piston will be greater than the force on the smaller piston. This is because pressure is the same throughout a closed hydraulic system, so the force applied on the smaller piston gets distributed across the larger surface area of the larger piston, resulting in a greater force.

How the effects of a force depends on the area to which it is applied?

When a force is applied over a larger area, the pressure exerted is spread out, resulting in lower pressure. Conversely, when the same force is applied over a smaller area, the pressure is higher. This means that the effects of the force, such as causing deformation or damage, will be more concentrated in the smaller area.

In a hydraulic lift system the output force is greater than the input force because?

the output force is greater than the input force in a hydraulic lift system due to the difference in the surface area of the input and output pistons. The hydraulic fluid transmits pressure equally in all directions, allowing a smaller input force over a larger area to generate a larger force on a smaller area at the output. This principle is known as Pascal's law.

How does pressure depend on area and force?

Pressure is calculated by dividing the force applied over a surface area. Therefore, pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to area. This means that if the same force is applied over a smaller area, the pressure will be greater compared to applying the force over a larger area.

Give two examples on how area affects the pressure?

As the area of contact between an object and a surface increases, the pressure exerted by the object on the surface decreases. This is because the force is distributed over a larger area. In a closed container, if the area of the container decreases while the force remains constant, the pressure inside the container would increase. This is because the same force is now acting over a smaller area, leading to a higher pressure.

Why does area affect the pressure?

Area affects pressure because pressure is the force applied over a given area. When the same force is applied over a smaller area, the pressure increases because the force is concentrated in a smaller space. Similarly, when the same force is applied over a larger area, the pressure decreases because the force is spread out over a larger surface.

If you have a larger piston in hydrolics pushing two smaller pistons does it exert the same force per smaller piston that you push on the larger piston?

Yes, in a hydraulic system, when a larger piston is pushing on two smaller pistons, the force applied to the smaller pistons will be the same as the force applied to the larger piston, assuming the system is closed and incompressible. This is due to Pascal's law, which states that pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted undiminished in every direction.

How is a force multiplied in hydraulic system?

A force is multiplied in a hydraulic system through the use of a larger surface area on the output piston than the input piston. When a smaller force is applied to the input piston, it creates pressure in the hydraulic fluid, which then exerts a larger force on the larger output piston, resulting in a multiplied force output.

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How do the terminal velocity of two objects compare if they both have the same mass but one has a larger surface area?

The object with the larger surface area will experience a higher air resistance force, leading to a lower terminal velocity compared to the object with a smaller surface area of the same mass. This is because the larger surface area increases the frictional force acting against the object's motion.