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(error / result) * 100 = .... e.g. a mass baance total error is 0.01. I have a readig of 170g so the error would be (0.01/170)*100 = 0.00588g error hope that helps sorry that is wrong btw this is the right formula % error = [accepted value - measured value /divided by/ accepted value] multipled by 100

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Q: How to calculating percentage error in experiment?
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What is percentage error in a chemistry experiment?

Percentage error in a chemistry experiment is a measure of the difference between the measured value and the actual value, expressed as a percentage of the actual value. It helps to determine the accuracy and precision of the experimental results. A lower percentage error indicates higher accuracy, while a higher percentage error indicates lower accuracy.

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If the estimated value is given, then calculating the numerical error from the percentage error, or the other way around, is a trivial exercise. If the estimated value is not known then it is impossible to tell which of the two is clearer.

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What is it called when a scientist makes a mistake and does the experiment again?

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