you first need to know your denominator. lets use 43/8 as our example of an improper fraction.
8 is the denominator. now look at the numerator. the numerator is 43. how many times does 8 go into 43. well it goes into 43 5 times. therefore your first number ofyour mixed number is 5
5 times 8 is 40. your number is 43. this means you have 3 left over. you put this number as your new numerator over top your old denominator. and you havethis...
5 3/8
5 3/8 is equal to 43/8
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You convert the mixed numeral into an improper fraction. Now subtract the improper fraction from the whole number by putting the whole number over 1.
First you would want to change the mixed number to an improper fraction. Then you can subtract
You change them into improper or topheavy fractions.
I wouldconvert both to improper fraction,find a common multiple (CM),calculate equivalent fraction with CM as the denominator,add the numerators,change the improper fraction to a mixed fraction, if required,simplify the fractional part of the mixed fraction - if appropriate and required.
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