167 centimeters is 5.48 feet.
There are 30.48 cm to a foot, so divide by 30.48 to convert the measurement made in cm into feet.
To convert cm to inches, divide by 2.54. After that you can convert inches to feet and inches.
5 feet 5.75 inches.
No. To convert feet to cm, multiply the number of feet by 30.48.
167 cm = 5' 5.7"
Inch and cm are used for measuring the distances. To convert the centimeters to inch we have to multiply the cm unit to 0.393701. This will convert the distance from cm to inch. The answer to the above question is 5.75 inches(approximately).1 foot = 12 inches 1 inch = 2.54 cm 167 cm = (167/2.54) = 65.75 inches (rounded) 65.75 inches = (5 x 12) inches + 5.75 inches = 5 feet 5.75 inches
167 centimeters is 5.48 feet.
1 cm = 2.54 inches 12 inches = 1 foot 167 / 2.54 = 65.74 inches 65.74 / 12 = 5.479 feet
167 Centimeters = 5.479'
167 cm is approximately 65.75 inches or 5 feet 5.75 inches.
Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.
First, you should convert 167 cm to inches. Divide 167 by 2.54. 167/2.54 = rounded to 66 66 inches Divide 66 by 12. 5.5 feet
There are 30.48 cm to a foot, so divide by 30.48 to convert the measurement made in cm into feet.
To convert cm to inches, divide by 2.54. After that you can convert inches to feet and inches.
5 feet 5.75 inches.
55 cm is 1.8 feet.