Each place value column in hexadecimal (base 16) is 16 times the column to the right;
Also, letters a-f are used to represent decimal numbers 10-15 which can be placed in a single place value column.
To convert base 16 to base 10: add up the place value digits multiplied by their place value columns.
Example convert 0x2a5 to decimal:
0x2a5 = 2 × 16² + 10 × 16 + 5 = 512 + 160 + 5 = 677
If you want an algorithm to convert any whole number from hexadecimal to decimal:
1) set the result to zero
2) start by considering the left most digit of the hexadecimal number
3) multiply the result by 16 and add the digit of the hexadecimal number under consideration
4) move to the next digit of the hexadecimal number
5) if not run out of digits go back to step 3
6) result is the number in decimal.
eg to convert 0x2a5:
1) result = 0
2) starting with the 2
3) 0 × 16 + 2 = 2 → result
4) next digit is 'a' (which is 10)
5) have a digit, repeat from step 3
3) 2 × 16 + 10 = 32 + 10 = 42 → result
4) next digit is 5
5 have a digit, repeat from step 3
3) 42 × 16 + 5 = 672 + 5 = 677 → result
4) no next digit
5) not got a digit, so continue onto step 6
6) 0x2a5 in decimal is 677 (the value of result).
Assuming the original number is written in base 10, there is no need to convert this to base 10 as it is already there. The hexadecimal number represented as 601 in base 16 is represented in decimal as 1537.
16 and 3/10 = 16.3
Convert the base 10 numeral to a numeral in the base indicated. 503 to base 5
The binary representation of 16 is "10000" in base two.
calc.exe will do the conversion for you A2(16)=162(10)
Assuming the original number is written in base 10, there is no need to convert this to base 10 as it is already there. The hexadecimal number represented as 601 in base 16 is represented in decimal as 1537.
110010 base 2 has one 2, one 16 and one 32 32 + 16 + 2 = 50 base 10
You can convert this to base ten by re-writing 3096 as a summation of hex powers: 3*16^3 + 0*16^2 + 9*16^1 + 5*16^0 = 12437 in base 10
ABC16 converted to base 10 = 10*162 + 11*16 + 12 = 2560 + 176 + 12 = 2748
To add two numbers in different bases, we first convert them to the same base. In this case, we convert 43 base 5 to base 10, which is 23. Then we convert 24 base 5 to base 10, which is 14. Adding 23 and 14 in base 10 gives us 37. Finally, we convert 37 back to base 5, which is 112. So, 43 base 5 plus 24 base 5 equals 112 base 5.
16 and 3/10 = 16.3
10011110 base 2 = 9E base 16
It is 15 in base 10.