Throw is a very large number of times. If the six numbers come up approximately 1/6 number of times then it is likely that the die (not dice!) is fair. If one or more numbers comes up more often than the die is not fair. You can never be certain.
fairness or refreshment.
Fair, just, honest, unprejudiced...The opposite of unfair is fair.
If you are rolling the dice, you are gambling, or taking a chance, or taking your chances. The suggestion is that you are letting "fate" or "luck" or "chance" decide an outcome where you could have made choices but opted not to and just "let things happen" toward some outcome.
Paradise (pair of dice).
The opposite of unfairness is fairness.
fairness or refreshment.
The opposite of unfairness is fairness.
Fairness is the opposite of unfairness. Fairness refers to treating everyone with equality and justice, while unfairness pertains to actions or decisions that are biased or unjust.
fairness or refreshment.
Fair fairness
The opposite of fair (just, right) would be unfair or unjust. The opposite of fair (light, as in complexion) would be dark.
Fair, just, honest, unprejudiced...The opposite of unfair is fair.
No you can decide if you want to roll one or 2 of the dice.
The plural form of "unfairness" is "unfairnesses."
The unfairness of discrimination made her angry.The unfairness of not sharing made the girl mad.Many people don't tolerate unfairness.
they roll presidential dice