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Since 121 is the square of a prime, there are only two distinct isomorphic groups.

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Q: How to determine number of isomorphic group of order 121?
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A group is when you have a number of people or things together. In order for it to be a group it has to be 3 or more.

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10 = 2*5, a product of 2 primes, and 2 divides (5-1). So there are only two groups.

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Normally, a cyclic group is defined as a set of numbers generated by repeated use of an operator on a single element which is called the generator and is denoted by g.If the operation is multiplicative then the elements are g0, g1, g2, ...Such a group may be finite or infinite. If for some integer k, gk = g0 then the cyclic group is finite, of order k. If there is no such k, then it is infinite - and is isomorphic to Z(integers) with the operation being addition.

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What is the order of a group?

The order of a group is the same as its cardinality - i.e. the number of elements the set contains. The order of a particular element is the order of the (cyclic) group generated by that element - i.e. the order of the group {...a-4, a-3, a-2, a-1, e, a, a2, a3, a4...}. If these powers do not go on forever, it will have a finite order; otherwise the order will be infinite.

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That is the Control group.