The greatest common factor (GCF) of 35 and 42 is 7. So divide both by their GCF: 35/42 = 5/6
Well honey, if you divide 231 by 35, you get 6 with a remainder of 21. So, technically, 35 goes into 231 about 6 times. But don't forget about that pesky little 21 leftover, it's like the annoying third wheel that just won't go away.
if you divide 31/35 it = 88.57 which the percentage is 89%
They can divide by ten.
well add them and its 35 and divide it by 7 and you get 5!
The greatest common factor (GCF) of 35 and 42 is 7. So divide both by their GCF: 35/42 = 5/6
To solve 6x - 7 = 35, first you add 7: 6x - 7 + 7 = 35 + 7; i.e. 6x = 42. Then divide by 6: 6x/6 = 42/6, or x = 7.
yes, they are both= 1.25 to see this, simplify divide 30/24 by 6 and get 5/4 and divide 35/28 by 7 to get 5/4
Well, let's think of this like a happy little math problem. When we divide 35 by 6, we get 5 with a remainder of 5. So, we can write this as the mixed number 5 5/6 or as the improper fraction 35/6. Either way, it's just a different way of looking at the same beautiful math problem.
Well honey, if you divide 231 by 35, you get 6 with a remainder of 21. So, technically, 35 goes into 231 about 6 times. But don't forget about that pesky little 21 leftover, it's like the annoying third wheel that just won't go away.
if you divide 31/35 it = 88.57 which the percentage is 89%
35 divided by 6 equals to 5 5/6
You can divide both sides by 5, so the answer would be 6 over 7.
They can divide by ten.