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Chop it into 4 equal sections (quarters)

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Q: How to divide a segment into four congruent segments?
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How many line segment does a trapezoid have?

A trapezoid has four line segments that forms its four sides.

What do the the four legs of a rectangular table show?

2 pairs of congruent line segment

Which type of quarilateral has diagonals that will always divide it into four congruent triangles?

Only the square has.

How many segment can be directly addressed at a particular time by 8086 microprocessor?

There are four segment registers in the 8086/8088, Code Segment (CS), Stack Segment (SS), Data Segment (DS), and Extra Segment (ES). As a result, there are four segments that can be directly addressed at a particular time, i.e. without an extra instruction to reload a segment register.

What is a sentence using segment?

The documentary will be divided into four segments, each focusing on a different aspect of the ecosystem.

What has four congruent sides and four congruent angles?

A square

How can the memory other than four 64KB segments be accessed by 8086?

You can access any location in memory. You need only to load its segment address and then refer to its offset address, using the appropriate segment register.

How many nephridiopores are in each segment of the earthworm?

Except for the first and last segments, which have no setae, there are eight tiny bristle-like structures that can not be seen with the naked eye called setae on each segment of an earthworm. The arrangement of the setae is one factor that helps in the identification of earthworms, as they can be closely or widely paired in four pairs or separate. Setae grip the soil to help the earthworm move about and sense the enviroment.

How do you layout an octagon?

Given that an octogon has eight sides, then the simplest way would be to enscribe a circle. Divide it exactly in half, then divide it in half again, at right angles to your first line.You now have four quarters. Divide each quarter in half, and you will have eight segments. Connect the points of the segments and you will have an octogon.

What shape has four congruent sides and four congruent angles?

A square, because congruent means equal.

Does a rectangle have to have four congruent sides?

No, a rectangle has to have four congruent angles.

Can a triangle have four congruent angles?

no triangle do not have four congruent angles