To add fractions, you must make sure that the denominators of both of the fractions are the same, then you add the numerators.
1/6 + 3/6
Since the denominators are the same, just add the numerators.
The answer is 4/6 (It is 1/2 when simplified).
As a decimal fraction, it is 8.81 This can also be written as 881/100.
58 + 25 is an integer, not a fraction.
only if the positive fraction is "larger" than the negative one.
8 eighteenths plus 3 eighteenths ie 11/18
19/14 as an improper fraction 15/14 as a mixed fraction
-512-14+312 is an integer, not a fraction.
a mixed fraction is a number written out as a whole number plus a fraction: ex. 3 4/5 (three and four fifths) would be a mixed fraction. essentially a whole number plus a fraction (but it would actually be written without the plus sign).
23+23 is an integer, not a fraction.
As a decimal fraction, it is 8.81 This can also be written as 881/100.
78 + 34 is 112, which is an integer, not a fraction.
58 + 25 is an integer, not a fraction.
only if the positive fraction is "larger" than the negative one.
8 eighteenths plus 3 eighteenths ie 11/18
56 + 34 = 90 is an integer, not a fraction.