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First you weigh it, then you put it in a beaker with a known amount ow water in it. By noting how much the volume of water increases you get the volume of the magnetite. Now you got all you need to determine the density.

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Q: How to find out the density of a piece of magnetite?
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What is bulk density formula for magnatite?

The bulk density of magnetite can be calculated using the formula: Bulk Density = (mass of material) / (volume of material). This formula involves measuring the mass of the magnetite sample and calculating its volume to determine the bulk density.

What magnetite per gram?

The density of magnetite is approximately 5.2 grams per cubic centimeter. This means that one gram of magnetite would have a volume of approximately 0.192 cubic centimeters.

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A lodestone is a magnetized piece of rock. They are made of made of magnetite, a type of iron ore. For a piece of magnetite to be magnetic, it must be exposed to a magnetic field.

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Another name for lodestone is magnetite. Lodestone is a naturally magnetized form of magnetite that was used in ancient times for navigation.

How do you measure the density of a metal?

The density of a metal can be measured by dividing its mass by its volume. The formula for density is density = mass/volume. This can be done by weighing the metal to find its mass and then calculating its volume using measurements such as length, width, and height.

What is the meaning of lodestone?

A lodestone, or loadstone, is a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite.

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What could you use a piece of magnetite for?

it means to get a life and leave people and go to hell

Which stone is a naturally occurring magnet?

Magnetite is a naturally occurring magnetic stone. It contains iron oxide and is known for its magnetic properties, allowing it to attract iron objects. Magnetite is commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.

What do sailors use magnetite for?

Sailors could use a lodestone for navigating in sea travel. They discovered that when they suspended a piece of magnetite from a thread, the metal would point in a north-south direction.

How do you find volume of a piece of wood?

You times the length by the width by the height to find volume. To find the density do mass divided by volume.