Details vary depending on the country. Consult with the office that issues passports for details. It may just not be possible in 5 days, depending on the specific country.
19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.19 weeks and 5 days.
There are 5 weeks and 5 days in 40 days
5 days is the work week.
3 weeks = 3*7 = 21 days. So 5 days to 3 weeks = 5 days to 21 days = 5:21
7,200 minutes = 5 days
After filling the application, it takes 45 working days to get the passport.
In most cases, you would not have a problem unless you are not flying to the country your passport is issued from.
It takes about four to six weeks for a passport to be processed.
i have no idea if how many days ang process nla ng passport sa lucena...
you need a visa, costs about $100, you need to have your plane tickets bought and send a copy with your American passport to a Brazilian consulate, takes about 5 days to get the passport with the visa back.
No, you can visit Jamaica up to 90 days on your Italian passport.
passport office hyd working on 27-07-2013
Simply yes!
86 days
An Australian passport holder can obtain 30 days tourist visa for Sri Lanka on arrival. It costs 35 USD per adult and is free for children under 5 years.
An adult's passport lasts for 10 years, whereas a child's passport lasts for 5.
30 days