The dimensions of a rectangle are the length and the width.
With these two measurements , the area of the rectangle can be calculated :
Area = length x width.
The perimeter can also be found :
Perimeter = (2 x length) + (2 x width).
A rectangle has deminsions of 13 cm long and 78 cm wide.What is the area of the rectangle? A rectangle has deminsions of 13 cm long and 78 cm wide.What is the area of the rectangle?
An acre is defined as any area that is 43,560 square feet, and therefore doesn't have any set dimensions as it can be in the shape of a square, rectangle, triangle, etc. However, the dimensions of an acre that is a perfect square is about 208. 71 feet by 208. 71 feet.
crossed rectangle is not a rectangle, rectangle have to have 90 degree angles.
Every rectangle must have corners otherwise it would not be a rectangle!Every rectangle must have corners otherwise it would not be a rectangle!Every rectangle must have corners otherwise it would not be a rectangle!Every rectangle must have corners otherwise it would not be a rectangle!
A rectangle has deminsions of 13 cm long and 78 cm wide.What is the area of the rectangle? A rectangle has deminsions of 13 cm long and 78 cm wide.What is the area of the rectangle?
length by wiegth
full or empty?
209ft x 209ft
Any area it depends on the deminsions.
An acre is defined as any area that is 43,560 square feet, and therefore doesn't have any set dimensions as it can be in the shape of a square, rectangle, triangle, etc. However, the dimensions of an acre that is a perfect square is about 208. 71 feet by 208. 71 feet.
Perry the Platypus A.K.A Agent P.
17.5" x 20.25" x 40"
volleyball net antena court with deminsions team- 6 players each uniforms. . . . . .ect.
Baker deminsions:7.75 by 31
normal deminsions of a commercial chicken house is 40 ft x 500 ft.