117,000 = one hundred seventeen thousand.
To help you learn how to write other numbers like this, just remember that if it's "thousand", that means there will be 3 digits to the right of the comma (unless there's a decimal, see below).
If it's one hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred thirty five dollars and fifteen cents it's $117,435.15.
One hundred and seventeen thousand
That isn't a number.
Seventeen million, one hundred fifty thousand.
117,000 or 117000
One hundred and seventeen thousand
thirty-one thousand, one hundred and seventeen
One hundred ninety-eight thousand, four hundred seventeen.
One million three hundred seventeen thousand four hundred seventeen.
100,017 in words is: one hundred thousand, seventeen.
That isn't a number.
Seventeen thousand, seven hundred forty-one and seventeen hundredths.
1,930,017 I think
Seventeen million, one hundred fifty thousand.