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Q: How was America's populations in 1760?
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Why did Europeans begin relying on African labor for their plantations in the Americas?

Indigenous populations in the Americas had been devastated by European diseases.

What following is a true statement about Spanish exploration in the Americas?

Spanish exploration in the Americas was primarily driven by a desire for wealth and resources such as gold, silver, and precious gems. This led to the conquest and colonization of indigenous societies, creating a lasting impact on the cultures and populations of the Americas. The Spanish also introduced new diseases that devastated native populations.

How did Columbus's discovery of the Americas directly affect the native populations that were living there?

It forced many of them into salve labor.

What did European explorers bring to the Americas?

European explorers brought diseases, technology, livestock, crops, and cultural influences to the Americas. They also established trade networks and new political systems that significantly impacted the indigenous populations of the Americas.

1760 plus 1760 what?

1760 + 1760 = 3,520

How was the spanish exploration and the settlement of the Americas?

Spanish exploration of the Americas was marked by conquest, colonization, and exploitation of indigenous populations for resources. The Spanish established settlements and brought diseases that devastated native populations. The Spanish sought to expand their empire, spread Christianity, and extract wealth from the newly discovered lands.

Why did the Spaniards conquer Americas?

The Spaniards conquered the Americas in search of wealth, power, and new trading opportunities. They were driven by a desire to spread Christianity and extract valuable resources from the Americas, such as gold and silver. The conquest of the Americas also allowed Spain to expand its empire and exert control over the indigenous populations.

What was the impact of European exploration on the Americas land and people?

European exploration led to the widespread colonization and exploitation of the Americas, resulting in the displacement and mistreatment of indigenous populations. The introduction of new diseases and the forced labor system also had devastating effects on the native populations. Additionally, the influx of European settlers and the establishment of new trade routes forever changed the landscape and ecosystems of the Americas.

What long-term consequences did the Columbian Exchange have on native peoples in the Americas?

It resulted in disease outbreaks that devastated native populations.

What decade is 1760?

1760 is in the 1760's. Thus, 1760-1769 is a decade.

What were two effects of exploration of the Americas?

Two effects of the exploration of the Americas were the spread of diseases, such as smallpox and influenza, which decimated indigenous populations, and the exchange of goods and resources between the Americas and Europe, known as the Columbian Exchange, which had a significant impact on global economies and cultures.