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Q: How was math used in the Renaissance?
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How did mathematics and science influence Renaissance Art?

for math- they used symentry in their paintings

What does classical emphasis have to do with Renaissance art?

Math and science. =]

How did the renaissance change math?

The Renaissance changed math forever because of the revolutionary nature of the discoveries. Leibniz and Newton separately developed calculus, which makes math an infinitely applicable discipline, not just a way of quantifying objects.

What advances were made in the math and science during the renaissance?

The invention of the printing press

What impact did Rene Descartes have on the Renaissance?

he was a great leader and he was an amazing at math and science

What advances were made in math science and writing during the Renaissance?

The invention of the printing press

How can the Renaissance be used as a springboard for defining modernity?

How can the Renaissance be used as a springboard for defining modernity

Compare and Contrast the Renaissance and the Enlightenment?

The renaissance focused more on the ideas of spreading education and ideas of math and art, while the Enlightenment built on this ideas and questioned them.

What is a particularly distinctive feature of Robert Campin's Merode Altarpiece?

The Merode Altarpiece by Robert Camping is an outstanding triptych of Northern Renaissance style. The figures in this triptych are based on real world observation, as opposed to science and math that were used to create paintings in the Italian Renaissance.

How is math used in math?

math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it

What happened as a result of the Renaissance this time period?

the renaissance was the rebirth of art, science and math and the birth of the "well-rounded" man and of famous architecture and of Da Vinci's pieces of work

Did the rinaissance era occur after the medieval period?

Hence the word renaissance meaning rebirth, u do the math