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Q: How was measurement of width done in the olden days?
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How was measurement done in olden days?

The metric system. (cenimeters, meters, milimeters)

How was measurement done in olden time?

In olden times, measurement was done using the body parts.

How is a sewing machine made in the olden days?

If by "olden days" you're referring to prior to 1846 (when the sewing machine was invented), there was no sewing machine. All sewing was done by hand.

In what field are ens and ems used in?

Back in the olden days of printing when newspapers and job printing was done with handset type (assembling one letter at a time) and by means of a linotype, ens and ems were blank spaces. An en was the width of a number and a thin space was the width of a comma or a period and were used in doing tabulation. An em was the width of the size of type that you happened to be setting type in. For instance, if you were setting type in 12 point type, an em was 12 points in width and twice the width of an en. The same rule applies to en dashes and em dashes.

Is time a unit of measurement?

Time is not a unit of measurement, but there are measurements that are done in units of time. Examples are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years.

What kind of axe is used to shape wood to use on a house in the olden days?

The bulk work was done with an adze, then a draw shave was used to finish the rough out

What is a word for done by hand?

Handmade? Manual/manually ("In olden times, the laundry was done manually.")

Why is there single tree left in field of crops?

In the olden' days, farmers would keep 1 tree in the center of their crops to allow them to have somewhere to rest in the shade when they were about half way done plowing.

What mesurement megger?

It is measurement done by megger tool of measurement .

Can you make a glass dome or do you have to have it done professionally?

you have to purchase a glass dome unless you own a class blowery. in the olden days people blew glass in their basements and made things like pipes and glass domes.

What is the measurement of how much work is done in a given?

The measurement of work done is the same measure we use for energy output. This measurement is called the joule and is symbolized simply by the letter j.

How long is 1 caliber?

A caliber or caliper measurement is done on the width, not the length. 1 calber, then, would be one inch. So a 50-cal machine gun round (really 0.5 cal) is half an inch in diameter.