

How was probability invented?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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12y ago

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When intelligence came into play, life was able to trick itself into believing that causality can be relativised and even overcome. Intelligence uses assumptions to try to comprehent it's environment. In order to make assumptions, a degree of likelyhood has to determined.

Probability is one way of determining likelyhood, as is belief.

well that is not a correct answer

actually in 18th or may be 17th century, some gambling was going in a casino, n there was a game of cards, due to some reason they have to stop the game in middle, the prize amount have to be divided between two parties. the supervisor wasnt sure how to deal with that matter, so he send this problem to his frind who was a famous mathmatician at that time he tried nn tried but failed then he send it to another mathematician who was living somewhere else then he reserch on it, and find a solution... and from that day the probability or statistics born....

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