

How was the Y2K bug solved?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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13y ago

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The "Y2K bug" was nonexistent. It was a hypothetical problem that arose from complete ignorance of how computer systems work.

Another comment:

There were numerous bugs in specific programs, but none caused problems as serious as were feared in the worst-case scenarios of the day. One reason there were so few problems happening on January 1, 2000 is that companies started working on fixes as early as the 1980s. This did absolutely need to be done. Many programs were initially written at a time when (1) the year 2000 seemed ages away in the future; and (2) memory on early computers was expensive and used as efficiently as possible. Thus two-digit years were used, and in some cases a one-digit month (From January to December represented as 1234567890-&).

One very simple example of a problem that had to be prevented is how your insurance company calculates your age. If you were born in year 85, as Y2K approached you would be 98-85=13, then 99-85=14, then 00-85=negative 85. Probably some models of computers would not have been able to open files actually created a month ago (in December 1999) but appearing to be created 99 years and 11 months in the future.

It was not a nonexistent problem. It was a problem successfully dealt with by thousands of man-hours of work expediently finished.

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There is no evidence to suggest that anyone committed suicide specifically because of Y2K. While there was concern and anticipation about potential disruptions due to the Y2K bug, it did not lead to any widespread suicides.

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Yes, of course. The Y2K bug was only because some softwares didn't take into account that considering only two digits for the year would provoke that year 2000 would be expressed as 00 and then it would be smaller than 1999, 1998, etc, and if ther were comparations it would be errors. The simple solution was to reserve 4 digits for the year. [Then explain why when you set the BIOS date and time to11:59:00 12-31-2099(2098 on some BIOS) that the date resets to 1900(1999 on some BIOS)?]

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There is no y2k movie yet!

How did you stop the Y2K computer problem?

Quoted from what is y2k (also by me):"Y2K" refers to the "Year 2000 (2 k)". Since this is posted in computer history, I'll assume you're referring to it's effect on computers, or more specifically the "Y2K bug". This was a bug out of the fact that before 2000, computers assumed that years started with 19 e.g. 1985 or 1999. When 2000 came around, people just assumed that computers would glitch out with errors as "2000" doesn't fit into the 19__ form. This was attributed to anything that was relied on computers (car ignition systems, coffee makers, etc.). January 1st came and went, and this proved to be false. And life went on...This caused no major problems, and most programmers had switched their code to be "y2k" compatible anyway.Oh, and I didn't stop it, other people did