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Amio khujchi

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Variable overhead cost variance is that variance which is in variable overheads costs between the standard cost and the actual variable cost WHILE fixed overheads cost variance is variance between standard fixed overhead cost and actual fixed overhead cost.

How you can calculate the distance between sun and earth geometrically?

of course you can

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How do you calculate the distance between -11 and 51?

It is 51 - (-11) = 62.

How do you find the distance on a coordinate map?

To find the distance on a coordinate map, you can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the shortest distance between two points. Simply calculate the horizontal and vertical differences between the points, then use these differences as the sides of a right triangle to find the distance.

Formula to calculate distance between planets?

The parallax method can be used to calculate the distance between planets and other celestial bodies. The formula for this is d(pc) = 1/p where p is parallax measured in arcseconds.

What is the distance between to objects?

To calculate the distance between two objects, you need to know their respective positions in a specific coordinate system. Then, you can use a distance formula, such as the Euclidean distance formula in Cartesian coordinates, to determine the distance between the two objects.

How do you calculate the distance in the s-t graph?

The distance covered between two points in time is the area under the graph between the two points.

How do you calculate the distance between two cubes?

The distance from n^3 to the next cube is 3n^2 + 3n + 1.

How do you calculate running inch?

It is the distance between two points that are 25.4 millimetres apart.

How do you calculate the distance between two countries no same longitude and latitude?

You can calculate the distance between two countries with different latitudes and longitudes using the Haversine formula, which takes into account the curvature of the Earth. This formula uses the coordinates of the two locations to calculate the shortest distance between them, taking into consideration the Earth's radius. Various online tools and libraries can help you perform this calculation accurately.

When coordinates of two geographical points are known and we calculate the distance between them Is the calculated distance the horizontal distance or the actual distance?

The horizontal distance. Points of latitude and longitude can't account for elevation.