

How we can print 1357911?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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int main (void) { puts ("1357911"); return 0; }

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Q: How we can print 1357911?
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How do you print the cards in The 39 Clues?

first click the print button then when the tab opens left click click print then the print menu will open click the print there too and your done

How do you write a program to input the side of a square and print its area and perimeter?

1 CLS 2 PRINT "Please to tell me the length of the side of the square." 3 INPUT S 4 PRINT 5 PRINT "The perimeter of the square is "; 4 * S 6 PRINT 7 PRINT "The area of the square is "; S ^ 2 8 PRINT 9 PRINT "That was truly a total blast. Would you like to play again ? 'Y' or 'N' ." 10 INPUT A$ 11 IF A$ = "Y" or A$ = "y" then PRINT "Goody! " : GOTO 2 12 IF A$ = "N" or A$ = "n" then PRINT "Well OK then. Goodbye": END 13 PRINT: PRINT "Please to type a 'Y' to play again, or a 'N' to quit for now." 14 GOTO 10

Write a program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display the count of positive and negative and zeros entered without using array?

1 PRINT "Kindly enter your next number, Master, or 'x' to end and total them up." 2 INPUT a$: IF a$ = "x" or a$ = "X" then GOTO 10 3 K = VAL(a$) 4 If K<0 then neg=neg+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 5 If K>0 then pos=pos+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 6 If K=0 then Z=z+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 10 PRINT: PRINT "Thank you, Master. I cannot express the joy that this exercise has brought me. Here are your results: " 11 PRINT: PRINT "The number of positive numbers you entered was "; pos; "." 12 PRINT: PRINT "The number of negative numbers you entered was "; neg; "." 13 PRINT: PRINT "The number of zeros you entered was "; Z; "." 15 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "Would you like to play again, Master ?" 16 PRINT "Kindly touch 'x' if no, or any other key if yes. I can hardly wait." 17 Input a$: IF a$ <> "X" and a$ <> "x" then GOTO 20 18 PRINT: PRINT "It has been my pleasure to cavort with you today, Master." 19 PRINT "Y'all come back now, y'hear !" : END 20 PRINT: CLS: PRINT "Oh GOODY! I love this game!" 21 pos=0: neg=0: Z=0 22 GOTO 1

How can you print on line booked railway e- ticket?

we can print the railway ticket on online

Program to print no divisible by 7?

cls input "enter a no"; num if num mod 14= num then print "no is divisible" else print "not divisible" end if end

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PRINT "GBP to euros is 1.20367534" PRINT "GBP to usd is 1.57200" PRINT "GBP to yen is 131.120194" PRINT "EURO to gbp is 0.830788804" PRINT "EURO to usd is 1.30600 dollars" PRINT "EURO to yen is 108.933189" PRINT "USD to gbp is 0.636132316" PRINT "USD to euros is 0.765696784" PRINT "USD to yen is 83.4097923" PRINT "YEN to gbp is 0.00762659033" PRINT "YEN to euros is 0.00917993874" PRINT "YEN to usd is 0.011989"

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in file print or there is a print icon on the toolbar at the top