That is the same as solving the equation. There is no single and simple method to solve ANY equation. You have to learn lots of different methods, to solve different types of equations. You might start by picking up an algebra book - to a large part, such books deal with the topic of solving equations.
It depends on what equations are given.
Area can be used to find lumens. There are specific equations that are used to find lumens and area can be included in these equations. Plug the numbers into the equations and the amount of lumens will be found.
By eliminating or substituting one of the variables in the two equations in order to find the value of the other variable. When this variable is found then substitute its value into the original equations in order to find the value of the other variable.
Imaginary numbers are only ever used when you are using the square roots of negative numbers. The square root of -1 is i. You may find imaginary numbers when you are finding roots of equations.
This is not available in standard fonts; you need special programs to display equations or formulae.
Ohms law equations are I = W/E, I = E/R and I = Sq Root of W/R.
To find two numbers that add to 24 and multiply to -160, we can set up a system of equations. Let's call the two numbers x and y. We have the equations x + y = 24 and x * y = -160. By solving these equations simultaneously, we can find that the two numbers are 20 and -8. This is because 20 + (-8) = 12 and 20 * (-8) = -160.
The answer will depend on the exact nature of the equation.
It depends on what equations are given.
Area can be used to find lumens. There are specific equations that are used to find lumens and area can be included in these equations. Plug the numbers into the equations and the amount of lumens will be found.
They are equations that involve many steps to find the solution.
The root word of algebra is "al-jabr", which means "reunion of broken parts" in Arabic. It was used by mathematician Al-Khwarizmi in his book "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing" to describe the process of solving equations.
That means to find values for all the variables involved, so that they satisfy ALL the equations in a system (= set) of equations.That means to find values for all the variables involved, so that they satisfy ALL the equations in a system (= set) of equations.That means to find values for all the variables involved, so that they satisfy ALL the equations in a system (= set) of equations.That means to find values for all the variables involved, so that they satisfy ALL the equations in a system (= set) of equations.
Rene' Descartes is credited with founding rational root theorem. He also created the rules of signs to be used with solving equations.
Yes, that is correct. It is one of the basic properties of surds, and is used in many identities and some equations, to simplify and calulate and prove.
No, but eliminating variables is one of several ways to find the value of variables in a system of equations.
You can find a detailed guide on rearranging equations on