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Yes, they can. Google it, and don't listen to people who only say "No" without a reason.

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Q: How well does one live with one lung you only have 1?
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Can you live with only 1 lung?

Yes you can live with one lung.

Can you live with one lung after cancer is removed?

People can live with one lung or one kidney.

Why cant you live without a lung?

You can. You won't be able to very physically active, but people have survived with only one lung.

Can a person live with one lung who has tuberculosis?

no it is not possible that an person can live with out one lung

How many organs were you born with that you don't need?

A person can live with one kidney and one lung. They can live if the spleen is removed as well. That is about it.

Can a human live with one lung?

Yes u can live without a lung because the lung is like a ballon so u will only run out of breth easier than normal!!!

Can people live one lung?

We all have two lungs and we are designed to work that way. However sometimes we have to have a lung removed because of disease or an accident. There are many people who have lived a long time with only one lung.

My mom has cancer in left lung can she live without that lung?

Yes, your mom will still be able to live with one lung, i can say so because i only have one, also i was born with no tongs oles, one lung, one kidney and a very, VERY low immune system. This is called Hypogammaglobulineimia, you can even Google it or look it up in the dictionary of you want to.

Can somebody make it with one lung?

Yes. A person can live with just one lung.

Can you live a normal life with one lung and a lung disease?


If one lung explodes do you live?


Why a person with pneumothorax has the right lung was collapsed why the left lung was still inflated?

The lungs operate independently , and you can live with one lung.