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Q: How were women viewed in the 1400?
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Famous women during the 1400's?

famous women in history in the 1400's

What was the fashion of the 1400's?

The women in the 1400's wore mainly robes and dresses.

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A company employs 3600 men and 1400 women What percentage of the company is female?

This is a simple percentage question. You take 1400 and divide it by the total number of employees (1400 + 3600 = 5000), then multiply by 100%. The answer is 28%.

What the role of women in the 1400?

Property, baby-makers, gratification, and the occasional monarch.

Women's Role in World War 1?

Women were viewed as the caregivers because the men were gone.

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How were women viewed in the west African societies?

mostly equal to men

What best explains how women were viewed in classical India?

Indian women had few opportunities to participate in public life.

Why did the women movement face strong opposition?

The women's movement faced strong opposition because men did not take them seriously and viewed women as property. They did not want women to have rights like voting and owning their own land. To men, women were inferior.

How are African American women viewed in today's society?

African American women are viewed as people, humans and they are treated equally to everyone else. There are people who treat them badly and view them badly, but it not commonly found today.

How are women viewed in sports?

Women are viewed as strong competitors in sports. Women like Serena Williams and Misty May Treanor are seen as some of the very best players in their respective sport, regardless of gender. Both of these women have earned Olympic medals based on how amazingly well they play their games.