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Like a picture. We live in 3-d space and see 2-d objects such as photographs, images on monitors, in books.

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Q: How will 2 dimensional figures appear in 3 dimensions?
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How are 2 dimensional figures related to 3 dimensional figures?

2 dimensional figures just have width and length, if you were to add the height dimension it would become 3 dimensional.

What does the 'D' in 2-D and 3-D stand for?

Although they do stand for dimensions, the word together is 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional not just Dimensions.

Are three-dimensional figures are plane?

No. Planes are 2-dimensional.

Are plane figures 2 or 3 dimensional?

A plane figure is 2-dimensional.

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Is a ray in math 2 dimensions?

A ray can be in 2 dimensions, in 3 dimensions, or in fact in any number of dimensions.

Is a circle a one dimensional line or 2?

one dimensional line that curves into 2 dimensions

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What 2 three dimensional figures have circular bases?

Two three dimensional figures that have circular bases: Cone, and Cylinder.

What is the set of all points on a plane?

It is a surface with zero curvature. It is 2-dimensional and in those two dimensions it extends infinitely far.It is a surface with zero curvature. It is 2-dimensional and in those two dimensions it extends infinitely far.It is a surface with zero curvature. It is 2-dimensional and in those two dimensions it extends infinitely far.It is a surface with zero curvature. It is 2-dimensional and in those two dimensions it extends infinitely far.

Volumes of 2-D dimensional figures?

2D figures have surface area, but no volume.

How many dimensions a polygon have?

A polygon is a 2-dimensional figure.