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Q: How will you know who are the users logged in to the system before 15 minutes?
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How would you notify users that you're going to reboot in ten minutes?

This has traditionally been a feature of multiuser operating system that the command the system operator uses to command a reboot or shutdown allows the system operator to specify this time interval, then automatically notifies all logged in users to complete what they are doing and log off before that time runs out. Any users failing to log out before the time specified by the system operator expires will be automatically logged out and their tasks killed at the last moment before the system automatically reboots.

The tab in Task Manager shows all users currently logged on the system?


Shell program to show the user name of the user who has logged-into the system?

Use the 'who', 'w', or 'users' command to find out who is logged in.

Which command displays the users who are currently logged into the Linux system?

There are a series of commands, depending on what and how much information you want on logged in users. The commands are: who w users finger (if installed)

How can you get a list of users currently logged onto the computer?

Press Control, Alt, Delete. Alternatively, right click the taskbar and choose "Task Manager" from the context menu and you'll see the Task Manager. Choose the "Users" tab. It will list users currently logged in!

What is a UNIX command that will count how many users have logged on and also the users list in the UNIX system?

There are many ways to do this, but the fastest and easiest is to use the 'uptime' command, which will tell you in a summary line how many users are logged in.

How many users can be logged on to windows 2000 simultaneously?

Only one user at a time can be logged into Windows 2000 Professional. Any number of users can be logged into a Terminal Server; it isn't unusual for a large business to have 100,000 users logged into one server.

When multiple users are logged on to the same computer does the logon window show which programs each user has open?

No. Multiuser operating systems create a shell for each user. It would be possible to see what each users was doing from a system administrator viewpoint but not form the normal logon window.

What client software enables logged in users to communicate with other logged in users in real time?

Instant Messenger is a program that allows two users to communicate simultaneously. You can download a program that allows you to do this on your computer.

What is the command of list of user names who have currently logged in?

who command gives the list of users who have currently logged in......

What do people see on your account when you're logged off of Pinterest?

Non-logged in users can view nearly all the same content as logged in users. So they can view your account, boards, and pins, but are unable to see your followers and who you're following.

How can you get a list of users currently logged onto a computer?

Task manager- users tab