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Write out the numbers 1 to 50 in 5 rows. Cross out 1. Start at 2 and cross out multiples of 2. That would eliminate all the rest of the even numbers. Go to the next uncrossed-out number (3) and cross out all of its multiples. Some of them will already be crossed out. You can stop by the time you get to eight. All of the uncrossed-out numbers are prime.

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Q: How will you use the sieve of Eratosthenes to get all the numbers less than 50?
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What is the sieve of eratosthenes to find prime numbers less than 100?

To find prime numbers less than 100, the sieve of eratosthenes filters out 1 and all multiples of 2, 3, 5, and 7. All remaining numbers less than 100 are primes.

What is an iterative procedure which determines all the primes less than a given number?

the Sieve of Eratosthenes

How do you know that any remaining number less than 100 must be a prime number?

If you mean, using the Sieve of Eratosthenes, you only need to check off prime numbers that are lower than the square root of the highest number - in this case, the square root of 100, which is 10 - so the prime numbers you need to check off are 2, 3, 5, 7.

Why is the square root the key to the Sieve of Eratosthenes and finding prime numbers?

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a method used to find all prime numbers up to a given limit. The square root is utilized in this sieve because if a number has a factor larger than its square root, then it must also have a corresponding factor smaller than its square root. Therefore, by only checking numbers up to the square root of the given limit, we can effectively identify all the prime numbers.

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Numbers less than zero are "negative numbers".

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You can extend it indefinitely, depending on your patience!

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Less than.

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There are 899 numbers that are less than 900

How can you use the sieve of eratosthenes to find prime numbers?

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is an algorithm for finding prime numbers:List out the counting numbers starting at 2 (that is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...)Mark the number 2 (circle it, underline it, etc - your choice)Cross off from your list all numbers that are multiples of the number just marked (multiples may already be crossed off - continue with the next multiple)Find the next uncrossed off number after the one just used in step 3; if there is no next uncrossed off number the go to step 7Mark this numberRepeat from step 3Either extend the list of written out counting numbers (eg if the last number previously written was 100, then add 101, 102, 103, ..., etc to the list) and go back to step 2Or stop. All the marked numbers are the prime numbers less than or equal to the highest number that was listed.The "Sieve" part of the name comes from the fact that all multiples of the number under consideration are crossed off or "sieved out" so that only the prime number remain.The next number found in step 4 is the next larger prime to those found so far - it is the first number that is not a multiple of any the primes found so far and so must also be a prime.For practical purposes, the list in step 1 will stop with some number and the algorithm will find all primes less than or equal to this number.

The prime numbers that are less than 14?

The prime numbers that are less than 14 are: 2,3,5,7,11,13.

What prime numbers less than 150?

There are 35 prime numbers less than 150.

How many prime numbers are there less than 1000000000?

999,999,999 numbers less than 1,000,000,000.