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Q: How would a non believer explain the miralcle of the feeding of the 5000?
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How would you explain to someone who is not a believer such as an atheist?

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What are similarities between believer and soldier?

Samurai were hardcore and would never surrender. Soldiers would do their best....but weren't at the level that the samurai were at. Samurai would go past chivalry, and wouldn't be afraid to die. They would actually embrace death.

Was noahs wife a believer?

Yes she was, or god would not have saved her.

Spell to get rid of a baggart?

I believer the meant Boggart? and That would be "Ridikulus"

How might a religious believer treat animals?

A religious believer might treat animals in a way that they believe their god would. This might include respect or sacrifices.

How would Buddhism affect a believer?

A believer in what?A believer in the correctness of Buddhism would be quite tranquil about the exposure.Many firm believers in other religions would ignore or dismiss the obvious rightness of Buddhism's ideas and call them blasphemy.Non Buddhist secular and moderate religious people might see much of Buddhist thought as being parallel with their own positions and perhaps adopt it.

What is mode of feeding?

Mode of feeding is how you would be fed should you not be able to feed yourself. Feeding tube, intravenous, etc.

Do Liberians exchange gifts during Christmas?

I would infer that they do if they were to be a Christmas believer but if you were to have a Jewish librarian.. I would say not.

How does reading a Hindu holy book affect your life?

Well, this would depend on who is reading the book. If a non-believer reads it, it will be no more than fiction. However, if you are a believer, it will lead you to your spiritual goal.

What would a religious believer think about chico mendes?

He was an environmentalist and struggled to preserve the Amazon rainforest.

If an animal is vermivorous what would it be feeding on?


What would you believe to be the authority of the Christian believer?

Jesus Christ. however there is no god, it is all made up.