You have to decide what the meaning of the equation will be.
well i need to know this Question
u decide
Find the lowest common denominator. Once their denominators are the same, the one with the larger numerator is the largest.
The solution to an equation is the solution. It doesn't matter how you decide tofind it. Different people may decide to solve the question in different ways, butall of the correct answers will be the same.If two different methods of solving an equation give you two different answers,then you made a mistake in at least one of them. (Maybe both.)
The rules for solving word problems are read the problem, decide what you need to do, solve the problem, and check your answer.
people and the state
All of the 'X's and 'Y's in the equation must be to the first power only.Otherwise the equation is not linear.
The judicial branch
Constitutional law
You have to decide what the meaning of the equation will be.
judicial power
find the common denominator, then whichever top number is higher is the larger
well i need to know this Question
you round fractions by rounding up or down, you can decide to do this when you look at the numerator and decide if it is half of the denominator, if it is half or more than half, you round up. If it is less than half you round down. Another way you can round fractions is dividing the top number by the bottom number (with a calculator), then if the decimal part is 5 or more, round up! (if the decimal is less than 5, round down.)