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Decreasing the time, for the same distance, means you increase your speed. Remember that speed is distance / time.

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Q: How would decreasing the time it takes you to run a certain distance of your speed?
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How would decreasing the time it takes you to run a certain distance affect speed?

As the time taken decreases, the speed increases since speed = distance ÷ time

How would decreasing the time it takes you to run a a certain distance affect your speed?

It would increase your speed. Speed = distance / time so if you decrease the time whilst keeping the distance the same, distance/time increases.

How would decreasing the time it takes you to run affect your speed?

if the distance remains the same then your speed increases

Is speed affected by a decrease in the time it takes to run a certain distance?


Is distance directly or inversely proportional to time?

Distance is directly proportional to time when speed is constant, meaning that the farther you travel, the longer it takes. Conversely, distance is inversely proportional to time when speed varies, such that if you increase speed, you decrease the time it takes to travel a certain distance.

How are total distance and total time related?

Total distance and total time are related as the result of multiplying speed by time. The formula is distance = speed x time. So, the greater the speed, the shorter the time it takes to travel a certain distance, and vice versa.

How would decreasing the time it takes you run a certain distance affect your speed?

If you drove 60 miles in 60 minutes, you would be going 60 miles per hour. If you drove 60 miles in 30 minutes, you would be going 120 miles per hour. As travel time decreases, speed increases.

How is instantaneous speed different from average?

The average speed is the speed that it takes to travel a certain distance in a certain time. Average speed is determined by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to get there. Instantaneous speed is a certain speed at any given time.

Is Speed time over distance?

Speed is a measure of how quickly an object is moving. Time is a measure of how long it takes for an object to travel a certain distance. Distance is the amount of space between two points. Speed, time, and distance are related by the formula speed = distance/time.

The distance traveled by an object divided by the time it takes that distance is called?

It is called speed Speed = Distance/Time

Distance measurements based on the speed of light?

Distance measurements using the speed of light involve determining the time it takes for light to travel a certain distance. By measuring this time and knowing the speed of light, one can calculate the distance. This principle is used in technologies such as radar, LiDAR, and GPS for accurate distance measurements.

The average speed of an object can be calculated by dividing the distance the object travels by the time it takes to move that distance.?

Correct, the formula to calculate average speed is distance divided by time. Average speed gives the overall rate at which an object is moving over a certain time interval.