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Q: How would dercreasing that time it takes you to run a certain distsance affect your speed?
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How would decreasing the time it took you to run a certain distance affect your speed?

It would increase your speed.

Can the weight on a rocket affect the speed?

Yes. A heavier rocket will need more energy to achieve a certain speed.

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sound travels at a certain speed but jets go faster than sound waves

How would decreasing the time it takes you to run a certain distance affect speed?

As the time taken decreases, the speed increases since speed = distance ÷ time

How does mass affect the speed of an object?

Mass does not directly affect the speed of an object, as speed is determined by the force applied to an object. However, a heavier object may require more force to achieve the same speed as a lighter object. In other words, mass influences the amount of force needed to accelerate an object to a certain speed.

How would deceasing the time it take you to run a certain distance affect your speed?

it would increase your speed in direct proportion. If time is halved, for example, speed would double

Does gender affect speed?

Generally, gender does not directly affect speed. Factors such as muscle mass, technique, training, and genetics are more influential in determining an individual's speed. However, in certain sports, there may be slight differences in average speed between genders due to physiological differences.

Does wheel size affect its speed?

The wheel size does affect its speed.

What is the speed of an object at a certain point in time?

The speed of an object as a certain point in time is its instantaneous speed.

Does the mass affect the speed of an object?

It has no direct affect on the speed of an object. It does affect the energy content of the speeding object.

Does the speed control sensor make the transmission change gears?

A "speed" sensor can affect the shifting of the trans.A "speed" sensor can affect the shifting of the trans.

How does distance and time affect the speed from object?

Distance and time do not, in general, affect the speed. Speed, however, can affect distance or time. Distance is directly proportional to speed, time is inversely proportional.