One thousand metres (US = meters) equals one kilometre (US = kilometer) abbreviated thousand meters1000 meters = 1 kilometer
Kilogram is abbreviated as kg
A liter because a kilometer is for distance
No. This would be 60 kilometers in an hour.1 kilometer = 0.621371192 mileThis would be over 37 miles an hour.
There are one million millimeters in a kilometer, so a millimeter would represent one millionth of a kilometer.
Kilometers is generally abbreviated as "km".
What's a kl ? a kilometer can be abbreviated as km. 1 km = 0.621 miles
One thousand metres (US = meters) equals one kilometre (US = kilometer) abbreviated thousand meters1000 meters = 1 kilometer
1 km = 1000 meters 1 meter = 0.001 km
1 mile = 1.6 kilometer 1 kilometer = 0.62 mile
The word "would not" can be abbreviated as "wouldn't."
The word you want is you'd.
writing would be abbreviated as "wrtg"
Kilogram is abbreviated as kg
"Insurance" would be abbreviated as "ins."
You would ask for a kilogram of steak, as weight is the appropriate unit of measurement for food items like steak. A kilometer is a unit of distance, so asking for a kilometer of steak would not make sense in this context.
In metric measurement, k is short for kilo, or a thousand.Examples include kilogram, kilowatt, and kilometer. Measurement is often abbreviated to read, for example, "a 5k run" or "$32k".