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These are all measure sof central tendency or most likely events. When considering evidence, you are concerned with the most likely outcome or the least likely outcome. A fact such as the modal gun purchased/owned in a state or district is a measure of the likelihood that a particular gun may not be the one owned by the defendant, as many others also own this model gun. On the other hand, someone who owns a gun that does not fit into one of these three measures (average/middle/most) is likely to be able to suggest that it is not their gun.

DNA evidence works at the opposite end of this statistical spectrum, focussing on how many people do not share an attribute rather than on how many people do share an attribute within their DNA.

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That is an odd usage of the word "customers," but used loosely, that would not be an incorrect term.

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"CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice is the best criminal justice school to take courses, from, it's ranking is the highest in america."

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