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Q: How would much would Kali earn if she earned 10.40 per hour if she worked 29.583 hours?
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Harry worked the following hours in a week What are the average hours worked for these five days?

To find the average hours worked for the five days, one would have to know how many hours Harry worked. After that, one would add the hours together and divide by five.

How many hours have you worked if you work 430 to 830?

If you worked non-stop, that would be 4 hours.

What is your last wage earned?

This question is asking about what you earned at your last place of employment. If you have not worked then you would not put anything down as your last wage earned.

How do you know if kohl's paid you time and a half for presidents day?

Look at your pay stub and if you earned half again as much as you normally would for the hours you worked that day, then yes they paid you time and a half.

What are taxing wages?

Taxing wages would have to be wages that you have worked for and earned by providing services for an employer.

What is the total hours worked between 634 PM to 430 AM?

Well total hours worked would be 10 hours. you cannot count 4 minutes towards an 11th hour.

How would a production possibility frontier would be effected by a reduction in the standard number of hours worked?

A reduction in the standard number of hours worked would likely shift the production possibility frontier inward, indicating a decrease in the maximum possible output levels of goods and services. This is because with fewer hours worked, there are fewer resources being utilized efficiently, leading to decreased production capabilities.

You worked nine hours and fifteen minutes yesterday how to do you put that in decimals?

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this: I think if you put 9.25 hours, you would be correct in saying that 9 and a quarter hours (or 9 hours and 15 minutes) is how long you worked.

How many days is 120 hours if you only worked 8 hours a day?

That would be 15 days to work 120 hours. 15x8=120

What would be the pay at a fast-food restraunt if you worked 3 hours?


How can you figure out my gross wages for the week from what I actually received if I don't know how many hours I worked?

How do you make an hour? figure out what your wage would be if you worked 8 hours a day, 4 hours a day. Let's say you make 4.00 an hour and worked 5 hours a day. Your gross wage would be 20.00 a day ( 4 X5) and if you worked 4 days at 20.00 a day that would be 80.00 ( 4 x 20) and if you worked all 4 weeks that month your gross wage would 320.00. You can work this backward if you have to and your pay check should show you the tax, SS, FICA, and state/fed taxes taken out.