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Q: How would you add parentheses and brackets to make this sentence true 452x4.7-4.4x654?
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What do parentheses in a mathematical equation means?

Parentheses, also known as brackets, show that whatever lies within them must be solved before anything else, and must be treated as a single chunk of an equation. For example: 2*(4+3) tells you to solve the '4+3' part of this problem first, which gives 2*7. If the brackets weren't there, the equation would be 2*4+3, which equals 8+3, or 11.

How would you write 3 times the sum of x squared plus 5 times the difference of 2x and y?

3[(x^2) + 5] x (2x-y) Do the parentheses first, then brackets next. P.e.m.d.a.s.

What do you do with a decimal that is in parentheses and it is squared?

The first thing I would do would be to multiply the decimal by itself, then write theresult inside the parentheses, get rid of the original decimal in there, and throw awaythat little 2 after the parentheses.

What are the grammatical rules for brackets?

Use the same rules inside brackets as you would outside of brackets. There is no difference between the two.

When to use parenthesis?

ues parenthesis when u want to infrm readers t stop and read ur message- Parentheses (or "parenthesis") are typically represented as semicircle marks used for written notation. They are usually used to show information that is an added note to a statement which needs to be tacked on to deliver a full understanding. As displayed above, they have been correctly used in this very paragraph.Why were parentheses used there? When defining the term "parentheses" in this response, the word was spelled differently than it was in the original question. There was a need to explain this, so that the reader would understand that "parentheses" and "parenthesis" are the same word.Because of this need, the information was put in parentheses so the reader would understand it was being "tacked on" to the regular sentence but was not supposed to interrupt the sentence. If parentheses were not used, here is how it would have looked:- Parentheses are typically represented as semicircle marks used for written notation. The word spelled "parentheses" and the word spelled "parenthesis" are the same word.This example shows how much longer an extra and unnecessary sentence would be, and so it is much easier to add the information in parentheses. One might think of parentheses like a thought bubble in a comic strip: it expresses crucial information that is not supposed to interrupt what the characters are saying. Another example:"The American government attempted to bargain with and relocate Native American tribes to new areas in the 19th century (this was often unsuccessful)."The last way that parentheses are commonly used is in citing sources. Very basically, if one were to read an article by "John Smith" for example and then quoted John Smith in his or her own report, then they would add parentheses to the end of the quote and write Smith's name there.So in the end: they're usually used to add something important to understand without writing an entire extra sentence.

Related questions

Does a period go after or before parentheses?

A period would go inside parentheses to finish a complete sentence, but you always need sentence-ending punctuation outside of the parentheses.

What does parentheses or brackets stand for in algebra?

the brackets mean "do this first". for example, in: x(4+2) you would add 4+2 before multiplying it By x. you can also add brackets into brackets which do the same thing. it is not compulsory, but you may change the brackets for how far in they are. i.e {[(1)]}.

How do you punctuate parentheses in a sentence?

Write your sentence (then your parenthetical). Use the same punctuation inside the parentheses as you would outside of them and end the sentence with an ending punctuation mark (period).

Is it better to use brackets inside of a parentheses when including an abbreviation?

Yes, it is common to place the abbreviation inside brackets when using it in a sentence with parentheses. This helps clarify the meaning and ensure that the reader understands the abbreviation being referred to.

If you finish a sentence but put a parenthetical reference for the reader to use as a resource at the end of the sentence do you put a period at the end of the sentence?

Yes, you would still put a period at the end of the sentence even if it includes a parenthetical reference. The period indicates the end of the sentence's main thought, and the parenthetical reference is additional information for the reader's benefit.

If parentheses are at end of sentence does period go inside or outside?

Outside. (But if the entire sentence is a parenthetical like this one, it would go inside.)

When an incomplete thought is placed in parentheses at the end of a sentence where does the period go?

In general, the period goes within the parentheses (I really wasn't sure it was a good idea.) My paranthetical sentence was just an example ... but I am not sure what you mean by imcomplete thought...... then you would end with ...

What are brackets in algebra?

There are both "square" and "curly" brackets used in algebra. They are [] and {} respectively in type. Usually square brackets are used to group smaller numbers of terms than curly brackets, and even square brackets are used only to group quantities some of which are in parentheses. Thus a suitable use example would be {[(a - b)(c + d) - a2]/[(fg + hj)/[k(l/m)]}. Larger square brackets are also used to set off numbers in matrix format.

What do parentheses in a mathematical equation means?

Parentheses, also known as brackets, show that whatever lies within them must be solved before anything else, and must be treated as a single chunk of an equation. For example: 2*(4+3) tells you to solve the '4+3' part of this problem first, which gives 2*7. If the brackets weren't there, the equation would be 2*4+3, which equals 8+3, or 11.

Example of parentheses?

She would not be convinced (I had tried my best) so I let her go without selling her the subscription.Parentheses (a form of punctuation) should be used to separate a clause within a sentence. Commas, another type of punctuation can also be used (but I prefer to use brackets).This, he thought, would work perfectly (although he had thought such things before) and with great confidence he hurried off to get started.

How would you write 3 times the sum of x squared plus 5 times the difference of 2x and y?

3[(x^2) + 5] x (2x-y) Do the parentheses first, then brackets next. P.e.m.d.a.s.

Why do you need to write brackets after such command as getName in java?

The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.The parentheses are used in methods to specify arguments. Some methods don't use arguments; but it would in fact be more confusing, not less, to omit the parentheses in this case - because the parentheses give some kind of consistency.The parentheses also help make it clear when something written after a dot is a field, and when it is a method. For this reason, in languages that allow you to either write or not write the parentheses for methods without arguments, I would always write them, for clarity and consistency.