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Q: How would you calculate the wavelength of radiation released when an electron moves from n equals 6 to n equals 2?
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What a transition from an outer orbit to an inner orbit the electron .?

When an electron moves from an outer to an inner orbit, energy is released in the form of light of a particular wavelength.

What types of electromagnetic radiation can be released when an electron falls from an excited state to a ground state?

When an electron falls from an excited state to a ground state, it can release electromagnetic radiation in the form of photons. This radiation can span a range of frequencies, from radio waves to gamma rays, depending on the energy difference between the two states.

Why is a shorter wavelength of light emitted when an electron falls from n4 to n1 than when an electron falls from n2 to n1?

When an electron falls from n4 to n1, it releases more energy because it is transitioning between high energy states. This higher energy transition corresponds to a shorter wavelength of light being emitted, according to the energy of the photon being inversely proportional to its wavelength. In contrast, when an electron falls from n2 to n1, the energy released is less, resulting in a longer wavelength of light emitted.

What is an electron called when it is being released during beta decay?

It is in beta minus decay that we see an electron appear to leave the nucleus of an atom. The electron is called a beta minus particle, or we might term that electron beta minus radiation.

What is the amount of energy released by an electron as it returned to ground state?

The energy released by an electron as it returns to the ground state is equal to the difference in energy between its initial excited state and the ground state. This energy is typically released in the form of a photon with a specific wavelength determined by the energy difference.

What happens to an electron during an electron transition?

Drops to a lower energy level and emits one photon of light.

When an electron gets excited is energy released or absorbed?

When an electron gets excited, energy is absorbed to move the electron to a higher energy level. This absorbed energy gets released when the electron returns to its original energy level, emitting electromagnetic radiation such as light.

Is energy absorbed when an electron moves to a closer shell?

No, energy is released when an electron moves to a closer shell. This process is known as an electron transition or recombination, and it typically results in the emission of light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. The energy difference between the two shells is released in the form of a photon.

Why did the discovery of cosmic background radiation with a wavelength of 7.35 cm help to support the big bang theory of the universe?

The radiation was 100 times more than expected and they were certain it did not come from our galaxy. They reasoned that the Big Bang had released a tremendous blast of radiation and scattered the matter that condensed into galaxies.

What has to happen in order for an atom to lose an electron?

For an atom to lose an electron, it must undergo the process of ionization where it gains enough energy to overcome the attraction of the nucleus and the electron is released. This can happen through various means such as exposure to high-energy radiation or collisions with other particles.

What is happening in an atom when light is given off?

When light is given off from an atom, it means that an electron in the atom is moving from a higher energy state to a lower energy state. The electron releases energy in the form of light as it transitions to a more stable state.

What form of radiation is released from the star?

Infrared radiation.