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Q: How would you convert 5 decades to months apex?
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Which group has worked for privacy rights for the last several decades?

Gays and Lesbians (APEX)

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Choose the ratio that you would use to convert 2.4 hours into minutes?

To convert hours to minutes, you would use the ratio 1 hour = 60 minutes. Therefore, to convert 2.4 hours to minutes, you can multiply 2.4 by 60 to get 144 minutes.

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The Chinese government had to reveal more about its internal and external economic policies in order to join the WTO. The Chinese government has never been open about its policies to the West, but membership in the WTO forced them to be.(apex) A few decades ago, China would not allow outsiders to see what it was doing. It forced china to be less secretive.

How our understanding of DNA and inherited has changed over time?

it was developed by many scientists over many decades. *apex*

How has our understanding of DNA and inherited traits changed over time?

it was developed by many scientists over many decades. *apex*

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12 months. Apex

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numerator; to ---apex

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catholicism .... :P apex

Which best describes how our understanding of DNA and inherited traits has changed over time?

Our understanding of DNA and inherited traits has evolved from early observations of trait inheritance to the discovery of DNA's structure and function by Watson and Crick in 1953. We now know that DNA carries genetic information in the form of genes, which determine inherited traits through the process of gene expression and protein synthesis. Advances in technology, such as genome sequencing, have furthered our understanding of the complex interactions between genes and the environment in shaping an individual's traits.

A heat engine is unable to convert its entire heat source into work?

False (APEX)

What is the apex of a round parachute?

The apex would be the center of the round parachute.