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The modern way of expressing 49 into Roman numerals is now XLIX but the ancient Romans would have probably worked out the equivalent of 49 on an abacus counting frame as XXXXVIIII and then wrote it out as IL thus expediently working out the required calculations as follows:-

LII+IL = CI => 52+(50-1) = 101

LII-IL = III => 52-(50-1) = 3

Note that in mathematics -(50-1) becomes -50+1 and that if we were to use the longer version of 49 in the above calculations the results would be exactly the same.


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Q: How would you correctly calculate 52 plus 49 and 52 minus 49 but working out both calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?
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How would you actually add together 1666 and 1999 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals throughout both calculations with explanations?

See answer to question: ' How do you add together 1666 and 1999 in two different ways using Roman numerals'

How would you work out 1776 plus 549 in two different ways and 1776 minus 549 in two different ways but working out all four calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

Roman numerals are entirely inappropriate for doing such calculations. I believe the people in Roman times did such calculations on an abacus or something similar - which is basically similar to converting them to the Arabic numbers we use. If you really want to do it in Roman numerals - which is basically NOT a good idea - you would have to keep the thousands, hundreds, etc. separate, and handle carry (for addition) and borrowing (for subtraction).

How would you calculate 1776 plus 549 and 1776 minus 549 but working out both calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

The modern way of expressing 549 in Roman numerals is now DXLIX but the ancient Romans would have probably worked it out on an abacus calculating device as DXXXXVIIII and then abridged it to IDL in wrtten format thus facilitating the speed and ease of calculations as follows:-MDCCLXXVI+IDL = MMCCCXXV => 1776+(550-1) = 2325MDCCLXXVI-IDL = MCCXXVII => 17776-(550-1) = 1227Note that in mathematics -(550-1) becomes +1-550 and that if we were to use the elongated version of 549 instead of the abridged version the results would be exactly the same in both calculations.QED

How would you work out 1776 plus 9 in two different ways and 1776 minus 9 in two different ways but working out all four calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

When 9 is converted into Roman numerals it is IX which is an abridged version of VIIII and so the required calculations are as follows:-MDCCLXXVI+IX = MDCCLXXXV => 1776+(10-1) = 1785MDCCLXXVI+VIIII = MDCCLXXXV => 1776+9 = 1785MDCCLXXVI-IX = MDCCLXVII => 1776-(10-1) = 1767MDCCLXXVI-VIIII = MDCCLXVII => 1776-9 = 1767Note that in mathematics -(10-1) changes to 1-10QED

How would you calculate 3001 plus 1999 in two different ways and 3001 minus 1999 in two different ways but working out all four calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

The modern way of converting 1999 into Roman numerals is now considered to be MCMXCIX but the ancient Romans would have worked out the equivalent of 1999 on an abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and then probably abridged it to IMM thus facilitating the speed and ease of the required calculations as follows:-MMMI+IMM = (V) => 3001+(2000-1) = 5000MMMI+MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII = (V) => 3001+1999 = 5000MMMI-IMM = MII => 3001-(2000-1) = 1002MMMI-MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII = MII => 3001-1999 =1002Note that in mathematics -(2000-1) changes to 1-2000 and that the Roman numeral of (V) means 1000*5 = 5000QED

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Roman numerals are entirely inappropriate for doing such calculations. I believe the people in Roman times did such calculations on an abacus or something similar - which is basically similar to converting them to the Arabic numbers we use. If you really want to do it in Roman numerals - which is basically NOT a good idea - you would have to keep the thousands, hundreds, etc. separate, and handle carry (for addition) and borrowing (for subtraction).

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How would you calculate 1776 plus 549 and 1776 minus 549 but working out both calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

The modern way of expressing 549 in Roman numerals is now DXLIX but the ancient Romans would have probably worked it out on an abacus calculating device as DXXXXVIIII and then abridged it to IDL in wrtten format thus facilitating the speed and ease of calculations as follows:-MDCCLXXVI+IDL = MMCCCXXV => 1776+(550-1) = 2325MDCCLXXVI-IDL = MCCXXVII => 17776-(550-1) = 1227Note that in mathematics -(550-1) becomes +1-550 and that if we were to use the elongated version of 549 instead of the abridged version the results would be exactly the same in both calculations.QED

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How would you work out 1776 plus 9 in two different ways and 1776 minus 9 in two different ways but working out all four calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

When 9 is converted into Roman numerals it is IX which is an abridged version of VIIII and so the required calculations are as follows:-MDCCLXXVI+IX = MDCCLXXXV => 1776+(10-1) = 1785MDCCLXXVI+VIIII = MDCCLXXXV => 1776+9 = 1785MDCCLXXVI-IX = MDCCLXVII => 1776-(10-1) = 1767MDCCLXXVI-VIIII = MDCCLXVII => 1776-9 = 1767Note that in mathematics -(10-1) changes to 1-10QED

How would you calculate 3001 plus 1999 in two different ways and 3001 minus 1999 in two different ways but working out all four calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

The modern way of converting 1999 into Roman numerals is now considered to be MCMXCIX but the ancient Romans would have worked out the equivalent of 1999 on an abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and then probably abridged it to IMM thus facilitating the speed and ease of the required calculations as follows:-MMMI+IMM = (V) => 3001+(2000-1) = 5000MMMI+MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII = (V) => 3001+1999 = 5000MMMI-IMM = MII => 3001-(2000-1) = 1002MMMI-MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII = MII => 3001-1999 =1002Note that in mathematics -(2000-1) changes to 1-2000 and that the Roman numeral of (V) means 1000*5 = 5000QED

How would you add together 1776 and 1499 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals in step by step stages with explanations?

Todays modern rules governing the Roman numeral system as we know them today were introduced during the Middle Ages and as a result nowadays we would convert 1499 into Roman numerals as MCDXCIX which makes them incompatible for additional purposes with the Roman equivalent of 1776 which is correctly enumerated as MDCCLXXVI. Notwithstanding the aforementioned inasmuch that there is evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have added together the equivalent of 1776 and 1499 in either of the following formats:- A: MDCCLXXVI+IMD = MMMCCLXXV => 1776+(1500-1) = 3275 B: MDCCLXXVI+MCCCCLXXXXVIIII = MMMCCLXXV => 1776+1499 = 3275 Note that the above calculations are pretty easy to work out but for more complicated calculations the ancient Romans would have used an abacus calculating device. QED

What continent is entirely in the northern and west hemipheres?

North America is the only continent entirely in the Northern and Western Hemispheres.