A linear equation is one in which there is an actual slope. In other words, if you graph it, it'll be a straight line.
There are two ways of displaying a linear relationship:
General form: Ax + By + C = 0; A B and C are all real numbers (though it is generally simplified so that they can all be expressed as integers.)
Standard form: y = mx + b, where m and b are real numbers. This form is also called slope-intercept form.
If you're given an equation where y = xn, where n isn't 1, then that would not be linear, since the graph is not a straight line, whereas y = x is linear. If y = x is graphed, then you'll see that it's a perfectly straight line.
Since I rambled, I'll summarize: from the equation, you can tell if the relationship is linear if it can be expressed either as Ax + By + C = 0 or y = mx + b (A, B, C, m, b are all real numbers)
A standard form of a linear equation would be: ax + by = c
No. It is an estimated equation that defines the best linear relationship between two variables (or their transforms). If the two variables, x and y were the coordinates of a circle, for example, any method for calculating the regression equation would fail hopelessly.
The question contains an expression, not an equation. An expression does not have a graph. Furthermore, even if it were an equation, its form suggests that it would be a linear equation and a linear equation does not open in any direction.
In general, it is very difficult. Even if a graph looks like a straight line over the domain there is no guarantee that the underlying equation makes the equation non-linear as you move away from the visible domain. A typical example, from school physics, concerns Hooke's law. The extension of a length of wire under different strains follows a linear relationship. Until the strain reaches a critical level and then the relationship goes all haywire. Looking at the graph below that critical level, the equation would be a straightforward linear one. But that is true only as far as it goes.
It is not. It is called a LINEAR equation. This is because the word linear refers to a line and, if the solutions of the equation, in the form of ordered pairs (x,y), were plotted on a Cartesian plane, they would all lie on a straight line.
The relationship between the variables may not be linear.
because it is a methodical answer and that is why i am asking you
A standard form of a linear equation would be: ax + by = c
No. It is an estimated equation that defines the best linear relationship between two variables (or their transforms). If the two variables, x and y were the coordinates of a circle, for example, any method for calculating the regression equation would fail hopelessly.
That would be a linear equation.
Ideally you would want one of the phrases "directly proportional", "varies according to" or similar.
A non-linear equation is any equation which includes variables with a degree other than one. Therefore, any equation involving x2, x3, x4, .... would be non-linear. For example: y= 3x+2 is linear, because x and y are both degree 1 (no exponent) y= 2x2 is non-linear, because x is degree 2.
The question contains an expression, not an equation. An expression does not have a graph. Furthermore, even if it were an equation, its form suggests that it would be a linear equation and a linear equation does not open in any direction.
If you mean y = 2^x, then no, it is not a linear equation. This is an exponential equation. The graph of this exponential equation would start out near zero on the left-hand side (there is a horizontal asymptote at y = 0) and would gradually increase as you move to the right: overall, it has a curved shaped. If you mean y = 2x, then yes, it is a linear equation.
The satellite dish is a parabolic reflector. A parabola cannot be modeled by a linear equation because a linear equation is one that graphs as a straight line. It takes a second degree expression to plot it, and that means a quadratic equation.
i think it would be great to ask a teacher