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Well the perimeter is the straight line across the middle of the shape I would describe is a single parallel line to be my opinion

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Q: How would you describe the relationship between a shape and its perimeter?
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What is the relationship between length and width dimensions and the perimeter of the object?

The answer will depend upon what shape the object is. For example, if the shape was a rectangle then the perimeter = (length + width) * 2. If the shape was something different then the relationship would also be different.

What is the relation between perimeter and triangle area?

If you double (2 times) the perimeter the area will will be 4 times larger. Therefore the area is proportional to the square of the perimeter or the perimeter is proportional to the square root of area. The relationship as shown above applies only to triangles with similar proportions, that is when you scale up or down any triangle of fixed proportions. Other than that requirement, there is no relationship between perimeter and area of any shape of triangle except that it can be stated that the area will be maximum when the sides are of equal length (sides = 1/3 of perimeter).

What is the same between area and perimeter?

Very little. Both may refer to plane figures, or plane surfaces of objects in 3 (or more) dimensions. But the differences are more important. An area is a 2-dimensional concept whereas a perimeter is 1-dimensional. It is possible to increase the perimeter of a shape while reducing the area. The two measure different attributes of a shape and so there is no direct relationship between the them.

What is the difference between circumference and perimeter?

Circumference is only used for circles. Perimeter is for every other 2D shape.

What is a perimieter?

perimeter is when you have a shape and then you have your area and that is what is in the middle of the shape and perimeter is the edge of the shape.

What is the difference between the perimeter of and the area of?

The perimeter is a measurement of the distance around the outline of a shape. The area is the measurement of all the space within the shape, and it is measured as (unit) 2

Could you describe the shape of the graph of an inverse relationship as hyperbolic?

no you cant

What the difference between circle perimeter and circumference?

There isn't any. The circumference is just a special name for a perimeter of a round shape.

What to put inside a venn diagram explaining about primeter and area?

Perimeter Measures the outside of the shape Area Area measures the inside of the shape Both Measurements that describe the shape

How does a change in perimeter influence the area of a shape?

There is no systematic relationship between the two. Consider the following 2 rectangles: A = 8 cm * 8 cm: Perimeter = 32 cm, area = 64 cm2 B = 14 cm * 4 cm: Perimeter = 36 cm, area = 56 cm2 The perimeter of B is larger, but the area is smaller.

What is shape index?

Shape index is a feature used in image processing to describe the shape of objects within an image. It quantifies the roundness or elongation of an object by comparing its area with the area of a circle with the same perimeter. This provides a numerical measure to differentiate between different shapes in an image.

Does a shape with a smaller perimeter always have a smaller area?

No, a shape with a smaller perimeter does not always have a smaller area. The relationship between perimeter and area depends on the specific shape in question. For example, a square with a perimeter of 12 units will have a larger area than a rectangle with the same perimeter. The distribution of perimeter and area varies based on the shape's dimensions and proportions.