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Q: How would you differentiate backward integration from forward integration?
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What is backward integration in steel industry?

refers to vertical integration, that is, a company takes over certain stages upstream (Backward) or downstream(Forward) from its position in the supply chain. A steel manufacturing company that wants to integrate backwards would therefore buy the ore mine. refers to vertical integration, that is, a company takes over certain stages upstream (Backward) or downstream(Forward) from its position in the supply chain. A steel manufacturing company that wants to integrate backwards would therefore buy the ore mine.

What is an arch in gymnastic?

Well its when your back bends backward a little and the opposite of a arch would be a hollow. Arch-bends backward and a hollow bends forward

Why would a 2003 Chevy impala roll backward in drive and forward in reverse when on inclines?

Weight of the vehicle

What does minus 6 minus 8 equals?

-6-8=-14 if it would be +, you would go forward, but as it's -, you go backward.

Why would the power seat on a 1992 Olds Delta 88 not go forward or backward but work up and down?

The motor that moves the seat forward and backward is burnt out it's a different motor than the up and down motor which is why that works but the other does not.

What exerts the force that pushes you forward when you walk?

The force that pushes you forward when you walk comes from your muscles contracting and moving your legs, propelling your body in the desired direction. The push-off phase where your foot pushes against the ground creates a reaction force that propels you forward.

Determine distance traveled and displacement if you walk 100 m forward and then 35m backward?

The total distance traveled is 135 m (100 m forward + 35 m backward). The displacement is 65 m forward (100 m - 35 m), which is the straight-line distance from the starting point to the final position.

Is the word 'river' an e xample of a palindrome?

No. A palindrome is spelled the same forward and backward, like 'kayak'. 'river' backwards would be 'revir'

Can you Determines your distance traveled and displacement if you want to hundred meters forward and then 35 m backwards?

The distance traveled would be 135 meters (100m forward + 35m backward). The displacement would be 65 meters forward (100m - 35m) as it measures the shortest distance from the initial point to the final point.

Life must be lived forward but can only be understood backward?

I would want to live if the standards of living are completely rigged for only certain groups to succeed.

Would a person flying from Virginia to California have to set their watch forward or backward?

because from virgina to California you change time zones 5 times or 4

Why stop sign is perpendicular?

The reason a stop sign is perpendicular is so that it can be seen. If the sign was leaning forward or backward, it would be difficult for oncoming traffic to see it.