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Here are the names of the column, starting from the left, followed by the designation that I have assigned to it:

hundred millions - a

ten millions - b

millions - c

hundred thousands - d

ten thousands - e

thousands - f

hundreds - g

tens - h

ones - i

Start with the left-most digit, determine its value, and assign that value to the a designation. Continue in that manner moving to the right until all digits have been read and assigned to a letter designation as listed above. I will give the description using the designations that I have assigned, but when actually reading the number, substitute in the value rather than the assigned designation. For the millions, thousands, hundreds, and ones, read each digit as follows: 1 - one, 2 -two, 3 - three, 4 - four, 5 - five, 6 - six, 7 - seven, 8 - eight,, 9 - nine, 0 - (omit, i.e., don't read anything). For the ten millions, ten thousand, and tens columns, read each digit as follows: 1 - ten, 2 - twenty, 3 - thirty, 4 - forty, 5 - fifty, 6 - sixty, 7 - seventy, 8 - eighty, 9 - ninety. Use this exception, if the tens, ten thousands, or ten millions column is 1, then omit the reading of both the tens and ones columns as listed above, and substitute the following for the combination of tens and ones columns: 10- ten, 11- eleven, 12 - twelve, 13 - thirteen, 14 - fourteen, 15 - fifteen, 16 - sixteen, 17 - seventeen, 18 - eighteen, 19 - nineteen.

Using the rules listed above, start from the left and read the number as follows, remembering to substiture in the determined value rather than the letter designations:

a hundred, b, c million, d hundred, e, f thousand, g hundred, h, i

I hope that this explanation is clear.

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