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Q: How would you explain the increase in diameter but not in height of trees that have been pruned?
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When the barber came at me with a shrubbery shears, I realized my beard must have looked as though it needed to be pruned. Have you pruned the shrubs yet? Is it the right time of year for the trees to be pruned?

If you rent who is responsible to pay for a large tree to be pruned?

The person that authorized it to be pruned.

What is a sentence for pruned?

The apple trees were always pruned every winter, to ensure a good crop of apples the following year.

What is the verb in the following sentence After the rain She pruned the bushes mowed the lawn and clipped the hedge?

Pruned, mowed, and clipped are the verbs.

When does a money tree get pruned?

When you think you can grow one.

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Pruned at the wrong time?

Should osteospernum be pruned?

It should be kept tidy.

Tree Pruning?

form_title=Tree Pruning form_header=Properly pruned trees and shrubs can add beauty and value to your landscape. Find a professional tree service to help you care for your trees. What type of trees do you have?=_ How many trees need to be pruned?= {(),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 or more} When was the last time your trees were pruned?=_

I live in Zone 5, what time of year should I prune back my trees?

I will depend on the type of trees. cherry trees should be pruned in the fall but some are best pruned int he summer.

When should apricot trees be pruned?

early spring, and after picking the crop

How often does the spirea bush flower?

Once a year unless pruned.

How do guavas grow?

The guava is a shrub or small tree which grows 2 to 8m tall. When cultivated it is usually pruned back to about 2 to 3m. Trees that are not pruned usually flower during October. When they are pruned, the period of full bloom is 10 to 12 weeks after pruning. Bees are the main pollinators, but Self-pollination also occurs. Where a guava is grow.